
Dover Lodge #489

Masonic Lodge of Westlake, Ohio


At a recent education session at Dover Lodge, we discussed the concept of multitasking. It is a presumed fact that in the workplace, as well as in the home, every person must be capable of multitasking to juggle their various responsibilities. We are fortunate indeed to have the benefit of smartphones and computers to help us carry out the multitudes of tasks required of us each day. This is particularly true of Freemasons, as we happily take on the responsibilities of Our Craft in addition to our professional and family lives.

But what are the implications of multitasking?

The truth has been recognized by numerous studies that we are busier now than ever thanks to the technological advances that surround us each day. What toll does this take on us as human beings? Are there effective strategies to help more effectively multitask? Does this of necessity change how we must conduct our relationships? How well do you multitask?

If you weren’t at Dover Lodge to see the presentation, you missed the surprising answer to these questions! But if you’re interested in learning more, please contact WB Bill Carter who would be glad to present the information at your Lodge. Travel safe Brethren!

Author: Webmaster

Managing the Dover Lodge Web Site since 2008.

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